On the surface, each fire safe can look essentially the same. The three safes shown here offer vastly divergent fire and burglary protection, yet it is nearly impossible for a concerned buyer to distinguish the well-constructed fire safe from its neighboring imposters. While the three fire safes pictured below may look identical, only one fire safe provides adequate fire protection.
To reveal the true Fire Safe in this bunch, we must peel away the outer shell exposing the core of each safe's foundation...
Which one of these safes can handle the heat?
False Security Safe Construction Ratings
Fireboard based Fire Safe (aka... Drywall Safe, Insulation Fire Safe)
While fireboard safes make up the majority of top-selling safes, these safes are in truth the least effective at fire protection. Fireboard fire safes also provide insignificant burglar protection. The three key points below explain why.
Overall, a Fireboard-style safe is an inferior fire safe and an inferior burglary safe.
False Security Safe Construction Ratings
Reinforced Fireboard Fire Safe - This is a fireboard-style safe that also affords some
degree of burglar protection. Unfortunately, fire protection and burglar protection run in two divergent directions when using this method of fire safe design. As the thickness of outer steel increases to enhance burglar protection, the safe's ability to withstand fire decreases. The three points below explain why.
Reinforced fireboard safes do provide some degree of burglar protection, but this protection comes at the cost of further reduced fire protection on a safe style that already falls short in this area.
Proper Fire Safes
Brown Safe Composite Fire Cladded Safe - These true fire safes are engineered using a vastly different methodology, one that produces superior results in all important areas. Whereas fireboard safes are designed as inexpensive-to-manufacture fire safes that may receive some upgrade in burglar protection, composite cladded fireproof safes are built from the ground up as high security burglary safes that then undergo a fire cladding process. The four points below detail why this approach produces a superior fire and burglary safe.
The above design methods allows Brown Safe's composite cladded safes to substantially outperform both fireboard and reinforced fireboard safes in both fire and burglary protection. Brown Safe composite cladded fire-resistant safes stand in a league of their own.